+1 (416) 551 9040

What Causes Darker Skin in Intimate Areas?

The first thing to know is, it is perfectly normal to have darker skin in areas such as the underarms, hands, face, knees, elbows, inner thighs, bikini line or the skin around the anus. These dark areas are accumulations of dead cells and melanin on the top layers of the skin. No one in the world has a completely even skin tone over his or her entire body. Some people are simply born with darker areas of skin, often in intimate areas. The skin in these areas can also darken due to other factors such as pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, or simply aging.

Is Skin Lightening safe?

Our treatment is the one that started the trend more than 12 years ago! Safe, gentle, and clean.

Principal ingredients:

Licorice extract, bearberry, green tea, citrus lemon and aloe vera.

The products are produced in the USA with the highest degree of quality and safety and are approved by Health Canada.

How is Skin Lightening Performed?

When you arrive for your appointment, the area will be prepped and cleansed. Once dried, a trained medical aesthetician will apply an exfoliating cream to instantly brighten the top layers of the skin and open the pores. Then, the fast absorbing gel (all natural with Green Tea) quickly penetrates to help block the formation of excess melanin in new skin cells. The additional use of red and blue LED lights opens the pores and helps the penetration of the product. The whole procedure is gentle and pain-free.

Skin lightening is safe for all skin types.

What is the gap in between sessions?

Because the treatment is natural based you can have weekly sessions ,or ,if using home care gel ,then ,we will schedule the sessions once a month.

How many treatments do I need?

The number of sessions needed will depend on your skin tone, and how much lighter you want to go. One session gives an amazing INSTANT brightening of the top layers of the skin of at least 2-3 shades after just the first treatment, but results may vary from a person to another.

Everyone is different and has a different cause of darkness,therefore results will be individual.

Can I have laser hair removal if undergoing the skin lightening treatment?

Yes, it is totally safe as treatment is based on natural ingredients.

What happens after my appointment?

You will be instructed to not rinse the area for at least 6 hours.If you want to expedite results, you may purchase an at-home gel to use daily until your next in-clinic lightening session. Your aesthetician will instruct you on how to use the at-home gel.

Lightening Treatment Areas :

  • Inner Thighs
  • Bikini Line
  • Areolaand Nipples
  • Under Arms
  • Knee & Elbows
  • Face
  • Hands

Is it safe to do anal bleaching?

Anal and vaginal lightening (also called “bleaching”) is one of the hottest skin care trends today. Often, these are outdated general skin lighteners relabeled trying to take advantage of the trend. Many contain harsh chemicals such as Hydroquinone, Kojic Acid or even Mercury that can burn, irritate, or have ingredients that can leave you sticky or messy. Our treatment is not a bleach and is an original product that has been specifically formulated and tested for use on the sensitive anal and genital areas.

After getting my skin lightening treatment done, will the discoloration come back?

It is hard to predict how long the results will last. If there is a hormonal imbalance or hormonal changes, then yes, the discoloration can come back. However, our clients have had long-lasting results and you should use the home care products for maintenance purposes at home.

As an alternative,we also offer medical grade peels to treat discolouration.

To better assess your skin,a consultation is recommended.

Before/After one session